Monday, April 14, 2014

14 April 14 (Monday)

Dear children,

It's such a wet day! I hope you were not drenched on your way home.

We had a Math practice test today to prepare for next Friday's test. I'm looking forward to marking your test papers to see how many of you scored full marks! We'll go through the paper tomorrow and make sure that we improve on all your weak areas over the next three days.

During our special Moral Education lesson today, we talked about orderliness and discussed the biblical story of Noah's Ark. From it, we learnt about how we, too, can be orderly in our daily lives and when we lead others.

We started on our next writing package during English lesson and discussed how we could write the first paragraph about the first picture. We'll continue tomorrow and focus on how we can describe a boy in fear and the different ways he could call for help. Look forward! :)

Just for this week, you'll have your art lesson on Thursday instead, so please don't bring your art materials tomorrow. I will tell you again the things you'll need to bring for Thursday.

Here's a reminder: Log on to AskNLearn and work on the quiz titled "P2/2 Math Practice Quiz 6 (Units 3 & 4)". Complete it before we meet on Wednesday. I will go through it in class on Wednesday.

Have an enjoyable evening with your family! :)


  1. Mr Wong, I finished Section B but couldn't finish Section A because my computer suddenly hang while doing question 7.

  2. Mr Wong, sorry, I forgot to put my name for the above message.


  3. Mr Wong,will you go through the writing package with me and
    when will you you give me the practice test paper?


  4. Mr Wong , when can you give me last week's writing package for corrections?
    Is the Iread book exchange tomorrow or yesterday


  5. Thank you Mr Wong!✯☺
