Monday, March 17, 2014

17 Mar 14 (Monday)

Dear children,

Here's your holiday homework:

1) Write your third journal entry. The topic is "My March Holidays". Focus on writing about just one or two important events or activities and describe them well. Remember to leave a line after each line that you write. You must write at least five sentences. Do not write more than three pages. If you like, you can draw a picture and colour it after you have written your journal entry. Submit this on Monday when school resumes.

2) Complete your I-Read book review worksheet.

3) Start logging on to KooBits to explore on your own. Use your BC number as your username and password. You can complete as many challenges as you like there. Just for this week, the vendor has agreed to let even the 3 of you who did not subscribe log in for free. Try it out! I will show you more about KooBits when we meet again.

4) Prepare for the ultimate Multiplication Challenge on Monday. You will be tested by your challenger on the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times table.

5) Remind your parents about the health checkup next Monday. You will need to bring your Health Booklet.

I will put up the photographs of the March birthday celebration together with the ice-cream sticks update on Sunday. Check back again!

Please remember not to spend too much time on the computer. Spend the holidays  with your loved ones. Take good care of your health too. Have an enjoyable week ahead with your family! :)


Wow! I just logged in to KooBits and saw a few of your names on the Top Brain Leader Board for P2:

Isaac (3rd)
David (5th)
Janine (11th)
Ezra (12th)

I read from the rules that the No.1 student from each level will get the grand prize of an Award Certificate and $40 worth of Book Prize, bursary or voucher. Work towards it! This season of "Top Brain" ends on 31 May, so you have about 2 months plus to get there!

I also went into the Maths League and saw a few names in the Beginners League:

Dawn (4th)
David (6th)
Wei Xiang (7th)

These children have already started to master skills, that's why their names are there. However, there are already 2 pupils from 2/4 and 2/7 who have mastered enough skills to move on to the Professional League! It's time to get started, 2/2! :)



  1. Thanks Mr Wong,
    May God bless you

    Best regards,

  2. Thank you Mr Wong
